Gastric banding

Gastric banding - is a surgery of low invasiveness, carried out laparoscopically and aimed at treating obesity by means of a special silicone ring mounted on the stomach. This surgery is a bariatric type of surgery, that is, it involves correcting the volume of the stomach in order to lose excess weight. The volume of the silicone ring, which acts as a band, can be adjusted by changing the amount of physiological solution in the band. Therefore, such an operation is also called adjustable gastric banding.


Since the main goal of gastric banding is weight reduction, the key indications for its implementation are:

  • obesity in which the body mass index is greater than or equal to 40, accompanied by a lack of therapeutic efficacy from conservative treatments;
  • obesity with a body mass index exceeding or equal to 35, as well as the presence of concomitant pathologies in the form of a compensated type of diabetes mellitus and hypertensive manifestations;
  • lack of effectiveness of diets and physical activity used to reduce weight.

Due to its high safety and low invasiveness, gastric banding is suitable for patients over 60 years of age, for whom the time spent under anesthesia is significantly reduced. At the same time, the intervention is reversible and characterized by the preservation of anatomy.

Surgery types

Gastric banding is carried out exclusively by laparoscopic means, only the types of bandages used differ: they are different in cost, insignificant design features and manufacturer. Silicone rings are also adjustable and unregulated. The former are used for primary surgeries, the latter for repeated or reconstructive interventions.

Surgery features

This type of bariatric surgery is performed within the framework of laparoscopic technique, the essence of which is to pierce the abdominal cavity and introduce a silicone ring into it. Usually, 5 punctures with a diameter of less than 1 cm are enough. The process of introducing the band is controlled by a video camera and is carried out using microsurgical tools. 

Further, the ring is fixed slightly below the level of connection of the stomach with the esophagus. In such a way, the stomach is divided into 2 sections, the lower and upper. At the same time, the upper one is made much smaller than the lower one: its volume is about 20-30 ml. After fixing the bandage, the punctures are sutured with self-absorbing threads, over which an antiseptic bandage is applied. 

At the time of installation, the inner cavity of the ring remains empty. At the end of the surgery, it is gradually filled with physiological solution. In order to do this, microscopic injections are made on the skin surfaces of the abdominal cavity, through which the composition is injected inside. Thus, the degree of gastric compression by the band is regulated.

Recovery period

In the postoperative period, it is important to observe a dietetic nutrition consisting of gentle calm food: 

  • during the first week, food is allowed only in a semi-liquid form; 
  • over the next weeks, up to a month, you can eat dishes of mashed consistency; 
  • for a month, no more than 100 ml of liquids can be drunk at a time. Drinking should be carried out in small throats at a slow pace.

Eating is done in teaspoons and eliminates the simultaneous use of fluids. It is important to abandon solid food, as well as vegetables and fruits in raw form. During the day, the number of meals should not exceed 5 approaches. In this case, you need to drink at least 2 liters of ordinary water. 

It is mandatory to visit the surgeon within the first year after the operation after every three months. During the second year, the inspection is done once every six months, then once a year.

Benefits of life before and after

Gastric banding is not only a way to combat overweight, but also the possibility of getting rid of secondary pathologies developing against the background of obesity. According to studies, during the first two years after surgery in patients, excess weight decreases by an average of 63%, and diseases affecting the joints, as well as the heart and vascular system, cease to progress. In addition, the risk of developing such diagnoses as infertility, oncological lesions of the stomach, breast and colon is minimized. After the operation, you can adjust the bandage, which allows you to create the most comfortable nutrition and weight control system for the patient.

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