Gastric bypass

Gastric bypass is a type of bariatric surgery, in which a small shunt is created, which is an opening between the stomach and intestines, which contributes to the movement of fluid from one organ to another. The purpose of such an intervention is to get rid of extra pounds and treat obesity.


The main indication for gastric banding is an excess body mass index exceeding 40 kg per square meter. The surgery is also carried in the following cases:

  • body mass index is more than 35 kg per square meter, accompanied by diabetes mellitus, hypertension, sudden respiratory arrest at night, lipid metabolism dysfunction;
  • the development of other pathologies arising from obesity, some of which are joint diseases, infertility, impaired urinary function, and others.

A relative indication for gastric bypass surgery is the patient's will, as well as preparation for other types of surgery, including aesthetic.


Depending on the level of formation of the compound, bariatric Gastric banding can be the following:

  1. It involves low formation of a connection between organs, as a result of which the jejuni is almost completely removed. This approach is characterized by a high degree of effectiveness of surgery, but provokes a deterioration in the process of absorption of useful trace elements.
  2. In this case, the compound is performed highly, which improves the quality of nutrient absorption, but reduces the effectiveness of the procedure.
How is the surgery performed

Gastric bypass surgery is performed using a laparoscopic technique involving microscopic incisions and excluding abdominal cavity dissection. The stomach is conditionally divided into 2 sections, the upper of which is made of a significantly smaller volume, equal to about 50-100 ml. The lower is removed together with the 12 duodenal ulcer, in which absorption processes occur. At completion, the remainder of the stomach connects to the small intestine.

Recovery period

In the morning after gastric bypass, the patient is sent for a control X-ray of the stomach. After that, you can drink water, tea, eat clear broth. The first two weeks you need to eat only liquid food.

Eating solid food is allowed after a 2-month period after surgery. Everything is individual for each patient, the decision is made by the doctor.

Benefits of life before and after

Gastroschunting refers to reversible types of surgeries in which a return to the natural digestive process is possible. During the first two years after surgery, patients lose about 60% of their total body weight, which automatically relieves comorbidities and significantly improves quality of life.

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