Aesthetic cosmetology

Aesthetic cosmetology is one of the areas of cosmetology, specializing in the correction and care of appearance without serious surgical interventions. This direction is represented by procedures for the correction of cosmetic defects, as well as procedures that preserve the beauty of the skin and prevent age-related changes.


Modern aesthetic cosmetology is a fairly wide direction, which includes a large number of diverse procedures in the face and body, which suggests the presence of a huge variety of indications. The main ones are:

  • pigmentation;
  • rosacea;
  • vascular changes;
  • wrinkles;
  • acne/postacne;
  • rashes on skin of different nature and origin;
  • excessive release of subcutaneous fat;
  • expanded pores;
  • loss of skin elasticity and elasticity;
  • excessive dryness of the skin, accompanied by peeling;
  • loss of clear contours of the face and body;
  • the presence of scars and scarring resulting from unsuccessful surgical interventions.

These problems are absolute indications for cosmetic procedures.


Face is a key area in need of special care. Aesthetic cosmetology offers the following types of facial treatments:

Face Care

Facial care involves the use of various beauty products with a wide variety of skin effects. They become especially relevant with minor problems with the skin, since most of them are able to have only a superficial effect.

Facial Cleansing

Cleansing allows you to get rid of blackheads, redness, inflammation and various unpleasant neoplasms that prevent the normal functioning of the skin. It has the following positive effects:

  • normalizes salination:
  • gets rid of acne;
  • narrows pores;
  • improves complexion.

Laser and mechanical hardware cleaning, as well as ultrasound cleansing, are especially effective.


Massages have high visual results, contributing to:

  • formation of smooth facial geometry:
  • improving skin color.

In addition, massage procedures relax and carry an extremely positive result.

How are the procedures performed

Facial cleanings come in many types depending on the nature of the procedure. For example, hardware cleansing involves the preliminary application of special agents on the skin of the face, after which a thorough cleansing of the skin is carried out, followed by the application of soothing masks. Ultrasonic and laser varieties are characterized by the use of relevant equipment.

As for massages, problem areas and lines are worked out by light stimulus of the skin.

Recovery period

There is no recovery period after the aesthetic procedure. There may be a maximum of a day or two of slight redness resulting from skin exposure. However, they go away quickly within a few hours to a few days.

Benefits of life before and after

Aesthetic cosmetology in medicine allows you to get rid of problem areas and imperfections of the skin, making it beautiful, improving its condition and appearance. The procedures are cumulative in nature, resulting in beautiful radiant skin and correct contours of the face and body.

You will be happy with the result!

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