
Labiaplasty is a special direction in the field of surgery and gynecology, specializing in the correction of the external genitals. It consists of a wide range of surgical techniques, as a result of which the appearance and anatomical structure are transformed.

Indications for labiaplasty

Aesthetic indications for labiaplasty surgery are:

  • scars and scarring caused by tissue rupture, which most often occurs after childbirth or aggressive intercourse;
  • insufficient vaginal constriction after delivery;
  • vaginal stenosis, characterized by narrowing, or abnormal density of the hymen, which prevents the release of menstrual secretions;
  • insufficient or completely absent sensitivity of the clitoris;
  • small lips protrude for large lips;
  • asymmetry of the labia;
  • elongated, hanging labia;
  • very large or, on the contrary, very small volumes of lips;
  • flabby labia;
  • an excess layer of adipose tissue in the pubic area;
  • excessively large vaginal throat, which is the cause of frequent bacterial and infectious inflammatory processes.
Types of labiaplasty

The clinic carries out the following types of labiaplasty on the genitals:

Stress incontinence

Pathology arising from increasing pressure inside the abdominal cavity, provoked by fear, heavy stress, sexual intercourse. For therapy, volume-forming drugs are used, which have a gel-like consistency and are introduced under the mucous membrane of the urethra. This method helps to reduce the width of the urinary canal.

Hardware lifting

The effect on the intimate zone using a unique apparatus, which, thanks to deep controlled warming of tissues, contributes to the production of new collagen, which allows to increase the elasticity of the muscle structures of the genitals, as well as restore their tone. As a result - rejuvenation of intimate places with correction of their general appearance.

Hydration of the intimate area with hyaluronic acid

The essence of the procedure is the introduction of hyaluronic acid into the internal tissues of the genitals, the effect of which is aimed at moistening the deep layers and achieving an aesthetic effect. It is considered an effective alternative to surgery.


The need to reduce the vagina arises after delivery, when the female genital organ loses its former elasticity and increases in volume. Most often, the vaginal entrance is corrected, which consists in its reduction by suturing.

In addition, as part of vaginoplasty, the posterior and anterior walls of the vagina are corrected. In the vast majority of cases, this need arises due to their omission due to a complex protracted birth process. However, sometimes vaginal walls are lowered due to increased pressure inside the abdominal cavity. Then, simultaneously with them, the bladder and urethra are subjected to descent. Two types of surgeries are used to resolve the problem:

  1. Colporrhaphy. Excess tissue structures are removed from vaginal walls and defects are stitched together
  2. Vaginoperineorrhaphia. Suturing of the posterior vaginal wall is carried out with subsequent plastic surgery of the muscular tissues of the perineum.

G-Spot augmentation

The procedure is aimed at increasing the G-Spot by using hyaluronic acid fillers and the patient's own fatty fiber. Surgery is more psycho-emotional because it aims to improve the quality of sex life. The essence of the procedure boils down to the introduction of volume-forming drugs - hyaluronic acid into the vaginal walls.

Correction of vaginal entry volume

The need for such a surgery most often arises in women who give birth. Due to the stretching of the genital tract, they lose their former elasticity and elasticity. Plastic of this kind is aimed at excision of skin excesses with their subsequent suturing with giving the necessary shape.

Virginal membrane restoration

This procedure is called "hymenorrhaphy". There are two types:

  1. Short-term. It consists in stitching the remains of the hymen with thin threads and thus forming a new one.
  2. Long-term. It involves excision of the deep layers of the vagina and the creation of a dense hymen, which retains its integrity during subsequent menstruation.


It is carried out on the labia minora and labia majora. Plastic on labia minorau sually consists in shortening them and making them symmetrical. Plastic on the labia majora, on the contrary, is aimed at increasing them. In any case, the goal of the intervention is to achieve an aesthetic effect.

Complete recovery of pelvic floor muscles

This is a whole range of intimate surgery aimed at eliminating problems with the muscles of the pelvic floor, among which urinary incontinence and uterine droop are the most common. Treatment is complex. Our clinic has everything you need to fully restore the pelvic floor.


In addition, colposcopic examinations are carried out in the clinic, within the framework of which a special device, a colposcope, is used, which helps to examine the mucous membranes of the vaginal part of the cervix. The method helps to identify pathological foci in the form of erosions in time and prevent the development of malignant neoplasms.

Diagnosis and treatment of gynecological diseases of any complexity

Since the need for labiaplasty is not only aesthetic in nature, but also more medical in nature, various methods allow solving various gynecological diseases of any level of complexity, as a result of which sexual life is significantly improved and self-confidence develops.

How is the surgery performed

The algorithm of actions differs depending on the type of surgery performed. Therefore, if a reduction or surgical correction of the external genitalia is expected, liposuction or excision of excess skin tissues is carried out. In order to increase volume or elasticity, hyaluronic acid fillers are injected.

In accordance with the nature and severity, the duration of labioplasty can be from half an hour to one and a half hours. Depending on the complexity of the intervention, general anesthesia or local anesthesia is used.

Recovery period

Labioplasty refers to small types of surgeries. The essence of the recovery process is to abstain from:

  • physical exercises;
  • visits to water-bath complexes;
  • sexual activity for a couple of weeks until the wounds heal;
  • sexual activity for a couple of weeks until the wounds heal;
  • wearing tight linen.

Moreover, during the recovery period, it is important to monitor the hygiene of the genitals, carefully treating them with antiseptic agents after each trip to the toilet.

Benefits Before and After

Labioplasty is an opportunity to get rid of discomfort and complexes associated with genital imperfections, as well as a way to return the pleasure of sexual life after childbirth. The results of intimate surgery are:

  • neat genital structure;
  • sensitivity of G-Spot and clitoris;
  • pelvic floor muscle tone.

Forget about feeling shy and come for an appointment at IQPLASTIQUE. We are not just gynecology, we are smart gynecology!

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