
The IQPLASTIQUE clinic has two areas: rhinoplasty and rhinoseptoplasty.

Rhinoplasty - type of plastic surgery, the essence of which is to correct defects of the nose of congenital or acquired nature.

Rhinoseptoplasty - is a plastic surgery that includes a complex for correcting a curved nasal septum and correcting the shape of the nose, the combination of rhinoplasty with septoplasty allows you to correct both medical problems associated with the curvature of the nasal septum and aesthetic shortcomings in the shape of the nose in one operation.


Rhinoplasty and rhinoseptoplasty are performed for medical or aesthetic reasons.

Medical indication are:

  • deformities of the internal structure of the nose, arising from birth or acquired during life, which disrupt normal breathing;
  • injuries;
  • burn injuries;
  • frostbite;
  • recovery of the nose after undergoing surgeries that cripple its structure (for example, removal of neoplasms and rhinophyma, in which the nasal connective tissue begins to grow uncontrollably).

Aesthetic indications of nasal surgery include a change in the size or shape of the tip of the nose, the distance between the nose and upper lip, as well as the elimination of asymmetry, removal of the hump or narrowing of the back of the nose.

Types of rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is a separate direction in plastic surgery, so it has a rather multi-layered classification. According to the access method, rhinoplasty can be:

  1. Open. It assumes an external incision along the entire surface of the nasal septum. The advantages of this technique are the ease of execution and the ability to correct more defects. 
  2. Closed. In this case, the plastic procedure is reduced to cuts inside the nasal cavity, which eliminates the presence of scars and ridges. The recovery period is significantly shorter, but this method solves fewer aesthetic and medical problems. Within the framework of closed nasal surgery, it is worth highlighting rhinoplasty with endoscopic assistance, which involves the use of an endocamera, which allows you to see the actions performed inside the nose and achieve a better therapeutic effect.

The laser type of nasal surgery should be mentioned separately. It differs from the usual form in the use of a laser. The advantages of such a surgery are absolute sterility, excluding the occurrence of inflammation and complications. In addition, by sealing the vessels, the risk of bleeding during treatment is eliminated.

Rhinoplasty is also divided into species depending on the part of the nose undergoing correction:


Surgery to correct the nasal septum, prescribed due to constant congestion, difficulty breathing and the presence of injuries. Septoplasty makes the nasal septum perfectly even, and the nostrils also acquire the same size.

Nasal tip plastic

It allows to raise or lower the tip of the nose, change its shape, get rid of an excessively emitted furrow. This type of rhinoplasty is considered the most atraumatic, since it does not affect bones, but only cartilaginous structures.

Columella Correction

Columella is a bridge between the nostrils, which is located under the septum. Depending on the patient's wishes, it can be descend, risen and transformed in any way. The procedure is carried out using local anesthesia, and its duration does not exceed 40 minutes.

Hump elimination

The correction of this defect is carried out only in an open way and automatically involves the repair of the tip of the nose for visual alignment and symmetry.


It is considered the most complex type of rhinoplasty, the essence of which is to raise the bridge of the nose due to the subcutaneous installation of a special frame. Subsequently, this frame naturally grows into the bridge of the nose. Bone or cartilage tissue is used to make it.


It is also called non-surgical, the essence of which is to correct the shortcomings by introducing injections based on hyaluronic acid, which form a new shape of the nose.


Such rhinoplasty consists in correcting several nasal defects at once in one procedure. Such plastic takes a long time, but at the same time it is an excellent opportunity to solve all problems in one anesthesia at once.

How is rhinoplasty performed

The specific action algorithm depends on the surgery method selected. However, there are also common points. Therefore, nasal plastic surgery is performed under general anesthesia of the endotracheal type, which involves introducing the patient into a state of sleep and inserting a special tube into the respiratory tract. Such a tube provides breathing.

After the patient falls asleep, the surgeon makes incisions and manipulations according to the chosen method. The duration of rhinoplasty averages from 1 to 3 hours. Upon completion of all actions, sutures are applied, and the patient is out of anesthesia state. During the first day, the patient remains in a hospital setting.

Recovery period

The recovery period after rhinoplasty takes 3-4 weeks. However, the final formation of the result ends after six months or a year. During this time, all cartilaginous and bone structures fully heal. During the first 10 days, the patient walks with a plaster langette, as well as cotton swabs inserted into the nostrils, which must be changed with a certain frequency. After 10 days, the plaster and sutures are removed in the surgery department.

In addition, in the post-surgical period, it is necessary to abandon the following:

  • visits to bath complexes;
  • thermal effects;
  • physical exertion;
  • staying in dusty premises (wear a protective mask as a last resort).

Additional restrictions are assigned by the operating surgeon, who will be guided by the individual characteristics of the body and the complexity of the surgery.

Benefits of life before and after otoplasty

Rhinoplasty can change the general features of the nose and even the expression of the face. Thanks to the plastic of the nose, the face acquires harmonious and proportional lines, and the nose itself acquires an ideal shape. In addition to the aesthetic effect, rhinoseptoplasty also solves medical problems, which helps to establish respiratory function and restore the internal structure of the nose.

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