Breast augmentation

Breast augmentation - this plastic surgery to enlarge the mammary glands, transform their shape, is considered the most popular type of mammoplasty. To date, mammoplasty is one of the most demanded surgeries, when the improvement of the patient's external data is achieved by safe and comfortable methods.

In order to carry out this surgery, you need highly professional medical knowledge which is found only in doctors of the best clinics. As a result of mammoplasty, a woman gains confidence in her attractiveness.

Indications for the procedure

The indications for the surgery are different. Most often, the reasons for breast enlargement are the following circumstances:

  • asymmetry of the mammary glands;
  • age-related changes;
  • congenital abnormalities of breast development;
  • deformation of its configuration after delivery;
  • hormonal changes in the body, leading to a change in the shape of the mammary glands;
  • small breast size;
  • pregnancy and after delivery;
  • lack of collagen in tissues;
  • sagging of the mammary glands;
  • excessive rapid weight loss of the patient, etc.
Options for the procedure

The surgery can be performed by installing implants or without them. Let's take a closer look at them.

Breast enlargement without implants.

This type of breast shape improvement includes surgical and conservative treatments without the use of endoprostheses. Such a surgery is quite capable of returning the patient to her previous youth and attractiveness.

The indications for its implementation are practically the same as in all other cases. These include small breast sizes or asymmetry, postpartum changes or injuries.

Usually, a number of technologies are used to enlarge the mammary glands, which, in addition to endoprostheses (implants), include other methods. These include:

  • Administration of hyaluronic acid.

  • Lifting.
  • Breast augmentation through the body's own fat stores (lipophiling).
  • Strengthening of the mammary glands with threads, etc.

Use of implants:

Surgery using silicone implants is very popular. They are usually used when it is necessary to significantly enlarge the mammary glands while maintaining their aesthetic shape.

Manufacturers produce breast implants of two main forms, these are round and anatomical.

The choice of the type of implants is discussed individually with the doctor and patient. If the patient wants a more voluptuous, round breasts, then it is better to put round implants. If the patient wants a more natural breast, a natural breast, then anatomical implants are installed. As a result, the doctor and the patient at the consultation determine which implant will be installed. This depends on whether one type of implant can be used physically in one situation or better done by another.

Peculiarities of breast augmentation surgery are also associated with the choice of access type and taking into account the physiological parameters of each woman.

How is the procedure performed

The surgery to install implants usually follows a special scheme. First, preparation is required. The patient needs to completely stop taking alcoholic beverages and medicines that weaken the course of blood clotting processes. You also need to completely stop smoking.

The procedure itself involves making a cut for access. The doctor shifts neighboring tissues, forming a "pocket" and "tunnel" for the implant. Then the surgeon installs it in the appropriate place, fastens the soft tissues and sutures. Usually, the breast augmentation procedure lasts 1-2 hours and depends on the degree of its complexity.

Recovery period

If you consider the photo of the mammary glands before the surgery and after, the results of the surgical intervention will be especially obvious. It should be borne in mind that immediately after surgery, due to swelling, the chest sometimes seems slightly changed in size, but this effect soon goes away. Gradually, the implant is covered with fibrous tissue and is located slightly lower. Such changes do not occur immediately.

In general, the rehabilitation period is divided into early, flowing throughout the month, and late, during which the final results of breast enlargement will be visible. Throughout the entire time period, the patient is observed by IQPLASTIQUE doctors.

Another consequence of surgery may be discomfort in the breast. In this case, the doctor prescribes analgesics. In addition, the doctor usually prescribes antibiotics to prevent the development of infections.

The recovery period requires strict observance of all conditions for the full restoration of the body.

  1. For a period of at least 3 months, it is necessary to strictly comply with all doctor's instructions.
  2. You can't sleep on your stomach.
  3. You can't lift weights.
  4. You need to limit physical activity.
Benefits of breast augmentation

Breast augmentation is a rather serious medical intervention, which is carried out by plastic surgeons of the highest level of qualifications in a special clinic. Today, the most modern materials are used for implants in medicine, which do not cause any complications. When conducting surgeries, only the latest and certified technologies are used.

The main advantage of breast augmentation will be:

  • normalization of the patient's emotional background;
  • rejuvenation of the body;
  • reduced anxiety about their appearance;
  • increased self-esteem.

Contact for mammoplasty only high-quality specialists, where the procedure is carried out at the highest level.

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